How to Keep a car Clean When you Have Kids

Ways to Keep Your car Clean When you Have Kids

For a lot of us, we take pride in having a clean vehicle. However, it can be extremely challenging to keep your vehicle clean when you have children. Everything from candy wrappers to juice stains and cracker crumbs are caused by children in vehicles. However, there are some easy ways to keep your car clean when you have kids and we are going to highlight some of them in this article. Continue reading to learn more about this story.

Woman Cleaning Interior Of Car Using Vacuum CleanerClean up After Every Trip in the car

We understand that this is easier said than done. The last thing that you want to do after a long family trip is clean out your vehicle. However, taking a few minutes to clean out your car after each trip will stop the messes from piling up. It’s much easier to take care of a small mess after each trip versus the giant mess that would’ve otherwise built up over time.

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Get the Kids Involved in Cleaning the car

Another important tip is to get your kids involved with cleaning your vehicle. It will take some of the burden off you and may teach them to not make the messes in the first place.

Keep Cleaning Supplies Right in Your car

We also recommend keeping cleaning supplies right in your vehicle. This way you will not have to run in the house with an arm full of supplies each and every time you want to clean your car. We recommend keeping supplies such as: carpet/upholstery cleaner, paper towels, a cleaning brush and a garbage can.

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Only Allow Certain Snacks in Your car

Lets face it, kids love snacks. However, some snacks are much messier than others. Therefore, we recommend limiting the quantity and type of snacks that you allow in your vehicle to help prevent messes.

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