What to do if your car has a recall

Hearing about a recall can be a fairly scary ordeal, especially if it’s a brand-new vehicle that you just spent a lot of money on. While the word recall is an accurate representation of what’s happening, it sometimes blows things out of proportion. We wanted to set your mind at easy by giving you a bit more information about recalls, and also tell you what to do if your car has one.

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The first thing to note about automotive recalls is that taking care of them is completely free, aside from the gas money it takes to get to the dealership. When you get notified or read about a recall, you’ll want to take it into a dealership for the actual manufacturer. So, while we’d love to help you out here at Gil’s, we can’t do anything about recalls at our store. If you purchase a Ford, you’d have to go to a nearby Ford dealership, et cetera.

What might get recalled?

If you’re getting an actual letter from the manufacturer, those are the type of recalls you want to address as soon as possible. Those are generally big time errors that could either lead to safety issues, or simply not let your vehicle operate the way it was meant to. But a lot of recalls that you might read or hear about are just small matters. Like they did something wrong with the dashboard lights, or they forgot to include something in the seat. While things like these are nice to get fixed if you notice the issue, they’re not quite as important to address.

If you hear about a recall and either want, or need to address it as soon as possible, be sure to get in contact with someone as soon as possible. Whether it be someone from the manufacturer itself who can help give you better information, or someone at your nearby manufacturer-specific dealership. Hopefully, you won’t have to worry about them at all!

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