Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day 2016 in Columbus

Things to do for Mother’s Day 2016 in Columbus

Well, we are already into the month of May and that means Mother’s Day is right around the corner. If you haven’t put any thought into how you are going to celebrate it, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We are going to dedicate this blog post to highlighting a list of things to do for Mother’s Day 2016 in Columbus, continue reading to learn more.

Happy Mother's DayHave a Picnic in the Park With Your Mother

There are a lot of great parks here in Columbus. Therefore, a great way to celebrate Mother’s Day is to visit one of the local parks in the area and have an outdoor picnic with your mom. This idea is a little more unique and special than the traditional Mother’s Day brunch at a restaurant. Some of the local parks that we would recommend are: Flat Rock Park, Lindsey Creek Park and Copper Creek Park.

Take Your Mother out to Dinner

There are a lot of great restaurants here in Columbus. Therefore, one idea is to take your mom out for a special Mother’s Day dinner to her favorite restaurant. Otherwise, you could stay in and cook her favorite meal for her as well.

Plan a Weekend Getaway With Your Mother

Another great way to celebrate Mother’s Day is to plan a fun weekend getaway for you and your mom. Just think of something she would love to do and a place she would enjoy going and plan a trip. Things like local weekend resorts, camping, or basically anything else you can think of would all be perfect ideas.

Have a Spa Day with Your Mother

This one applies more to daughters than sons. However, planning a spa day with your mom is a great way to spend Mother’s Day. This is a fun way to spend the day together while pampering yourselves. Also, if you are a son, you could always just get your mom a spa day gift card.

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All of us here at Gil’s Auto Sales would like to wish moms everywhere a happy Mother’s Day this year!

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